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DHI VS FUE technique

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What is DHI?

Direct hair implantation is a variation of FUE technique used for hair transplant surgery. It is the newer, most advanced and effective methodology used for hair restoration. In this technique physicians can remove  grafts from the donor area of the head and implant it in bald area.

Difference between DHI vs FUE

1. The DHI is a 2-step technique whereas FUE is a 3-step methodology.

2. The most distinction between follicular unit transplant (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE) and DHI is slit making and grafts placing.

3. In FUE the follicles are extracted then placed in a storage solution once extraction complete, the operating surgeon can implant those grafts in recipient space. But in DHI extraction and implantation methods occur at the same time.

4. DHI uses a special tool called Choi implanter pen. But the FUE doctor manually implant the graft within the recipient space. DHI employs implantation right after extraction, while not the requirement to produce initially the slits for the grafts.

Methodology for Direct hair implantation(DHI) process isn’t straightforward as it appears. In DHI follicles are severally removed and planted. There are many advanced techniques. This method demands extremely efficient, or professionals. DHI uses a special reasonable tool named as Choi implanter pen for implantation. Choi implanter is a medical tool that facilitates the implant hair follicles back to the scalp once its extraction from the donor site. Hair roots taken from donor space are directly planted through this pen in the bald area. The aim of this method is to combine creating incision and implantation of grafts at the same time.

Choi implant pen is a pen-like device with 0.5 to 1.5 millimeter hollow needles on one of its ends. The doctor in surgery loads hair grafts into the hollow needle end. The doctor then uses the pen to implant preloaded into the scalp. This method is then repeated with each single graft throughout the typical hair restoration process. Nearly 6 pens are used interchangeably to optimize the implantation time and pace.

Advantage of Choi pen Direct hair implantation offers higher or natural results because of use of Choi implanter pen. With the assistance of this implanter pen, there is no need for slit incisions. In ancient techniques there may be a need to produce little circular incision on scalp and plant grafts in these slits. Doctors will currently inject grafts directly in recipient space. This reduces trauma and blood loss throughout the procedure. There is considerably higher graft survival rate with the utilization of pen. Furthermore, reducing trauma means quicker healing time. It offers higher aesthetic results as grafts will be positioned with bigger precision throughout implantation.

DHI vs FUE which one is best : It has higher success rate and natural results as compared to different treatment choices like FUE or FUT. The survival rate of follicles by DHI technique is additionally over 90%. There are following advantages of DHI over FUE :

 1. The graft survival rate is high.

 2. Less blood loss throughout creation of the recipient zone.

3. Trauma is a smaller amount throughout follicle handling, therefore, resulting in less injury or less blood loss during the process.

 4. Quick recovery and patience will come back to tradition.

 5. A lot of natural and dense looks.

6. Hair shaving isn’t needed most of the time.

 7. No incision or stitching is needed throughout the procedure.

8. The plantation section is shorter as a result of extraction and implantation is finished at the same time.

9. Any reasonable scars or traces aren’t discovered and provides symmetrical hairline.

 10. The angle and direction of every follicle to be planted will be accurately determined.

11. DHI is typically a painless technique.

 CHOICE of FUE or DHI : whether DHI is an appropriate choice for a patient depends upon the condition of hair growth, what number of grafts are required, types of clinic, the veteran doctor and value of the strategy. The doctor can decide which methodology is suitable for the patient in line with the hair growth and value. Some doctors still consider FUE technique because the broad area of the scalp can be covered in FUE technique & usually in patients with high volume of hair loss. However, DHI will be performed when less hair grafts are required to implant. Therefore, it’s most popular to hide hairlines. Some surgeons suggest DHI for the young around thirty-five years old and have less hair loss. 

Another excuse why individuals opt for ancient FUE technique may be the cost of Direct hair implantation. The cost for DHI is higher than FUE technique. The price depends on what number of grafts have been planted. DHI hair transplant cost in Pakistan is in the range of 50,000 to 400,000 Rupees. It additionally depends on the clinic or experience of an operating surgeon or physician.

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