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How to Correct Bad Hair Transplant


How to Correct Bad hair Transplant depends upon a number of factors like number of previous procedures, availability of donor area, expectation of the patient and expertise of the surgeon. Bad hair transplant is a result of lack of training and expertise. Hair Restoration does not perform properly and presents a lot of unique problems that must be corrected by deviating from normal technique. The method on Virgin scalp is entirely different from repairing bad results. Bad hair transplantation correction requires experienced doctors with creative sense. Repair procedure needs a lot of personal attention and planning from a surgeon and unfortunately previous bad procedures present some permanent cosmetic defects and disfigurement that limit the correction or repair. Hair surgeons prioritize the basic goals and discuss them one by one. Most important goal is to deal with the appearance and naturalness of the frontal hairline.

The individuals who had bad hair transplant experiences are mostly angry, depressed and disturbed mentally and a corrective surgeon has a number of challenges and difficulties. The physician has to restore the confidence of the patient who is feeling betrayed by the other  doctor or some other clinic. It is the responsibility of this doctor to establish trust and guide this betrayed patient with realistic goals and expectations and explain the events of the new procedure. The doctors also explain that there might be a series of procedures to correct the deformities and damage caused by the previous procedure. He must plan his patient’s surgery with the social needs and the procedure in such a way so that specific styling and grooming methodology can enhance the result of the corrective surgery. Our surgeon in Pakistan individualized the surgery and adopted specific techniques so that in future this corrective surgery should be free from any cosmetic defect.

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