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Hair growth helmet

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Hair Growth Helmet is basically a medical instrument used to treat pattern baldness, alopecia and thinning of hair. It works by stimulating the growth of hair. Baldness is a common problem and many human beings are facing it. There are certain reasons responsible for pattern baldness like poor diet, hormonal imbalance, harmful chemicals present in the shampoo and genetics. Gene responsible for pattern baldness expresses itself differently in both men and women. That’s why more males are bald than females. People also use different oil products, shampoos, and various other things like colors and dyes which also cause loss of hair. In order to overcome all this, this helmet is introduced for the patients which is very beneficial for the bald human beings. People face many psychological problems like anxiety and depression which can be very devastating and may be fatal.

Hair growth helmet is a comfortable device which uses different therapies like laser light therapy which increases the supply of different kinds of cells like erythrocytes (Red blood cells) to the skull. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying protein) which has the tendency to bind oxygen. When the blood supply to the scalp is increased it also carries different nutrients and oxygen required for healthy growth of hair. Harmful and nociceptive substances are also removed. People can easily perform their activities and tasks while wearing this helmet. It’s lightweight, portable and covers the skull. It is battery operated (no need of electricity) and also has an on-off button so it is very easy to use it. People often prefer this helmet to FUE (Follicular unit extraction) and FUT (follicular unit transplantation). It’s also a tidy method, no need to pour water or any solution on the head, pain-free, drug-free and non-invasive tool. A person can wear it whenever he wants.

Hair growth helmet use is increasing day by day because people have become aware that it’s a non-lethal and easy way to regain their hairs by using this helmet. Visible hair growth can be seen within 4 to 6 months while using it. Laser comb and brushes require constant movements of hands and don’t cover the whole area which is very tiring and uncomfortable for the person. Person becomes tired after using a laser comb and brush and can’t perform other tasks actively and vigorously. About 75 to 80 million US citizens suffer from hair loss and this ratio is increasing day by day. People use different gels, Topical medicines and creams to overcome the pattern baldness but this can be very injurious to health and scalp.

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Hair growth helmet works on the principle of photo-biomodulation. iGrow was the first hair growth helmet which was discovered in 2010 and its results are excellent. We know that plants do photosynthesis in which sunlight is converted into energy ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which they use for their growth and functions. In photo-biomodulation different wavelengths of LED and laser light are absorbed into the scalp where follicles reside and then these are converted into energy rich compound ATP. This synthesized ATP is then used to strengthen the scalp cells and nearby area thus creating a favorable environment for the growth of hair. Follicles continue to grow thus creating thicker and stronger hair. The portable hands free helmet has 51 light emitting diodes which use a combination of LED and Laser light to cover the scalp and emit red light having wavelengths of 650 to 670 nm which is suitable for the growth of hair. This helmet can be used 20 to 25 minutes daily for an initial six months and then it’s used twice or thrice a week only for maintenance. Basically this helmet is designed for the women for mild to moderate hair loss. People who have damaged follicles and shiny bald will not benefit from it. It’s also a useful device for cancer patients who can use it after chemotherapy. Both men and women have got many benefits by using it. The growth of hair is different for men and women while using this helmet which may be due the difference in the genetics and may also depend upon race. One thing must be kept in mind if hair has grown to a certain level then their maintenance is also necessary. Otherwise all the results will vanish and people may again suffer from baldness and this may be a flaw of the hair growth helmet. Different countries like USA, China, Russia, England, Scotland and Switzerland make the helmet which varies in quality and price present in the market. People who can’t afford FUE and FUT can get benefit by using this device.

Those who want to get an appointment for hair growth helmet treatment in Pakistan may call / WhatsApp +923334309999


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