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Hair Density after Hair Transplant


Hair density after hair transplant procedure increases many times if performed carefully. Hair density is the number of hair in one square centimeter. Hair density has a vital role in hair transplant surgery. If hair density is low it means, hair in the donor area is insufficient and it is not advised to have hair transplant surgery. For those people who have medium and high density in the donor area, surgical hair restoration is possible.

Density after hair transplant

What is maximum hair density possible in surgical hair restoration?

Pakistan hair transplant clinic gives maximum density so that hair looks dense and full and it helps for hair styling. We believe if transplanted hair density is less, the purpose of hair transplantation is not accomplished and patients would be unsatisfied.

We can give 30-45 follicles in one square centimeter area which means more than 70-90 hairs per square centimeter. Hair density is more in blonds and hair density is less in Asian and African people.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What should be the realistic expectation regarding hair transplant density after hair transplant?

One should expect in the range of 30 to 45 per square centimeter for a reasonable coverage or result.

Can we have a second hair transplant for density?

Hair restoration procedures can give a limited density so one can always get a second procedure to add more density provided the donor area would be available.

Is it possible to get a high density hair transplant in Pakistan?

Yes, it is possible as Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry has expertise and experience to give you high density provided you have limited baldness and adequate donor grafts available. 

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